my-deco-shop business

Create your trade account in less than 2 minutes

Your business account is generally validated within hours of your request. If you do not own a VAT number (for countries outside Europe), you can indicate an official identification number (for example, a commercial register number). You can also mention, in the comment box, the address of your professional website. These informations will allow us to validate your business account in the best conditions.
Enter your VAT number in this format (2 letters and numbers): GB35392747317
If you do not own a VAT number (for countries outside Europe), you can indicate an official identification number (for example, a commercial register number).
This field is optional
 Mrs  Mr

Thank you to add the following e.mail address to your address book, to guarantee the receipt of our answer These informations are not passed on to any third party. These informations are and will remain completely confidential. You have a right to access and you have the possibility to rectify the collected informations.